United Kingdom
General Information
Area: 242,495 sq km
Population: 67,886,011 (2020 estimate)
Capital: London
Main Religion: Christian(59.5%), Irreligious(25.7%), Muslim(4.4%), Hindu(1.3%)…
Official Language: English
Challenges for Prayer
Britain’s cultural, diplomatic, economic, and military influence shapes the world. Pray for this influence to be used for the sake of what is just and right.
Pray that Britain can discover a sense of purpose and direction for the 21st century and also pray for another great spiritual awakening.
Pray for local congregations to plant new churches, reach new peoples, and glorify Jesus by partnership with believers from many lands.
Pray that church leadership might regain a prophetic role, and might speak in unity to this nation that has lost much of its moral and spiritual center.
Pray for God to restore vision and faith to His people, and confidence in His ability to change and use Britain again!
Source: Molly Wall, Pray for the World, 2015