
General Information

  • area: 17,364 sq km
  • Population: 1,160,164 (2020 estimate)
  • Capital: Mbabane
  • Main Religion: Christianity(88.1%), Unaffiliated(10.1%), Traditional faiths(1.0%)
  • Official Language: Siswati, English

Challenges for Prayer

  1. Pray that all churches could win many to the Lord by giving practical and gracious help to AIDS sufferers.

  2. Most believers are female – pray for men to be drawn into the Church

  3. Pray for God’s Spirit to bring revival.

  4. Pray for godly models and mentors for young people of Swaziland who have little opportunity to be young due to poverty, unemployment, and AIDS.

Source: Molly Wall, Pray for the World, 2015