
General Information

    • Area: 1,904,569 sq km
    • Population: 273,523,615 (2020 estimate)
    • Capital: Jakarta
  • Main Religion: Most are Muslim.
    – Official religions: Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.
  • Official Language: Indonesian

Challenges for Prayer

You can ask God :

    1. to send Christians who will share the message of Jesus on every inhabited island in Indonesia.

    2. for revival in the churches, so that all Christians will really live for Jesus.

    3. to help Christians forgive people who want to hurt them and destroy their churches.

    4. for the government to be fair to all the different peoples, islands, and religions.

Source: Jason Mandryk and Molly Wall, Window on the World, 2018